It Is With Immense Sadness That The President Of The Tamkine Foundation And His Team Learned On Saturday
- News
- July 2nd 2024
It is with immense sadness that the President of the Tamkine Foundation and his team learned on Saturday, June 29, of the passing of HRH Princess Lalla Latifa, wife of the late His Majesty King Hassan II, may God have mercy on his soul, and mother of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, may God assist and preserve him.
The President of the Tamkine Foundation and all its staff extend their sincere and heartfelt condolences with great deference and profound respect to His Majesty King Mohammed VI and the members of the royal family.
May Almighty God have the deceased in His holy mercy, and may He protect His Majesty.
"We belong to Allah and to Him we shall return."
The President of the Tamkine Foundation